By joining the BOW Club you will receive the following benefits above and beyond the already unparalleled service:
Last minute booking requests*
Your choice of driver(s)
Designated driver program
Vehicle delivery program
Designated Driver Program
The Butler on Wheels: Designated Driver Program is only available to BOW Club members. This service is ideal for those times when you find yourself in need of a safe, one-way service for you and your vehicle. Butler On Wheels will not only send you a personal driver to you, but will also provide a chase car for your personal driver to depart in once they’ve returned you to your destination. The minimum billable time for BOW Club members is 6 hours for this service.
Vehicle Relocation Program
The Butler on Wheels: Vehicle Relocation Program is only available to BOW club members. This service is ideal for situations where you have driven yourself to a destination and no longer require your vehicle, such as a trip to the airport. Butler on Wheels will come to collect your vehicle and deliver it to the destination of your choice. The logistics for this service must be determined on a case by case basis. The minimum billable time for BOW club members is 4 hours for this service.
Rate of $750/month
Includes 30 billable hours which can be rolled over month to month. This allows you to bank unused hours from previous months, giving you the freedom to vacation abroad for as long as you like without so much as a thought about lost hours. BOW Club has you covered.
*No guarantee can be made for availability on last minute requests, however BOW Club will do everything in its power to honor your requests.